Tuesday, December 8, 2009

P90X+ Days 5-14

P90X+ has been going really well! I'm into my third week (day 15 is today! Already halfway through phase 1. Incredible.) and loving it. Now that I have a little more experience (not much more) with the program, I'll share more thoughts on it.

While I'm digging the new format (and Tony's new hair) I wish that he didn't use the same two people in all of the videos. I liked the variety in P90X, but at least Drea isn't in P90X+. She drives me crazy for some reason- I'm more of a "Pam the Blam" girl!

P90X+ feels more like an infomercial, too. Tony is constantly hawking Bowflex products, which gets somewhat annoying when you're trying to bring it. He talks about them so much to the point where I sometimes forget that I'm doing a quality workout and instead feel like I'm watching a commercial while inflicting pain upon myself. It's a small price to pay for a hot bod, but I could do without it.

One downside to the program for me is the fact that it's virtually impossible to do push-ups on your knees, as many of the push-up moves in the program have added moves to them that require you to be in plank. Now, this is just me whining. Plank push-ups is something that I need to become more comfortable with, and doing them is only going to make me stronger. I just don't like them as much!

Tony keeps up his funny personality, however, in these DVD's and I feel like he's even more entertaining here than in P90X, especially in Total Body +. It's refreshing and keeps me coming back for more every day.

One thing I've noticed about P90X+ is that the workouts feel a lot like Core Synergistics. Which isn't a bad thing, I just didn't suspect it. I can feel my core getting stronger and tighter, but I wish there was more of the classic moves featured in P90X. It's more difficult to get in a really good upper or lower body workout with + because so many of the moves are synergistic. The core gets an excellent workout, easily, but it takes some finessing to get a good workout for other parts of the body.

I am one day behind where I should be because I didn't work out on Saturday. I feel guilty, but it was impossible. I had homework to do, and then my roommates were in the living room all day doing projects and watching movies, so I didn't really have an opportunity. Things happen- it's cool. As long as I keep coming back for more every time I can, I know it'll work out!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Round 2- Days 76-90, P90X+ Days 1-4

It's been a while... I know. I'm such a slacker! Luckily, I'm not as big of a slacker when it comes to actually doing P90X. And I finally finished round 2! It was somewhat difficult to get motivated towards the end because I got a little bored, but it was worth it. I always stick to what I start. I combined the program with dance classes three days a week and walking around Rexburg everyday. I'm exercising more than I ever have in my life, and it feels absolutely wonderful.

I've also stuck to Weight Watchers during my term here at school. I was really terrified of what would happen, but luckily I've been able to lose a few pounds while I've been here. That's all I really wanted- losing weight would have been more than I could have asked for. With such a crazy lifestyle, I would have been grateful with just maintaining the weight that I lost this summer.

I started P90X+ this week and have been consistent with it all week! It's super intense- I feel like I do that first week of P90X. Crazy exhausted, can barely walk around my apartment, but I feel GREAT. So accomplished! Having the new challenge is exciting! It's just what I needed. I really needed the change to get me going at my best again. It's a great confidence booster- I feel like I'm accomplishing something again. I started this whole P90X journey back in April, and looking back, I never would have dreamed that I could do something like this. It's truly amazing what the human body is capable of and what you can do when you commit to something fully.

Total Body + was extremely intense... I could barely do the entire video! The workouts for + are shorter (roughly 40 mins each) but there's a reason- any longer than that and no one would be able to handle it! Tony just blows through each set and each move so quickly... you really need to have good cardio vascular strength and good endurance to keep up.

Intervals + was the same way. It's comparable to Plyometrics, but the theory behind it is a little different. Tony blasts you through two sets of interval work, and each move you do at three levels of intensity. I found this to be more difficult than Plyo, even though the workouts were shorter and I (seemingly) wasn't exterting as much energy as consistently. What I found to be the truth, however, was that when the third level of intensity came around- the hardest one- I could really bring it, and I ended up burning myself out much quicker and much harder than ever before. I remember that I had to take lots of breaks during my first attempt at Plyo, and while I did have to take an extra break during Intervals, it was only one extra break instead of six. I can't believe how much I've improved!

Kenpo Cardio + was yesterday, and it was FANTASTIC! Probably one of my favorite videos in the X and the + series. It really blows through the moves, and there's lots more variety. I was working my butt off, but I barely noticed because of how much FUN I was having! I can't wait to do it next week.

Upper Body + was today (Thanksgiving- yes, I still worked out on a holiday!) and while it's far from being one of my favorites, I enjoyed the challenge. I especially like Spider-Man push-ups. They're so much fun! I don't, however, have the Power Stands that Tony Recommends, so one of the push-up moves was somewhat difficult. Other than that, they're not really necessary unless you need the extra challenge. Tony does plug the Bow-Flex weights a lot in these workouts. Somewhat annoying, but I've always wanted some anyways! I miss the good old fashioned P90X upper body workouts- I felt like I had accomplished more in those. I only used 8's and 10's today for Upper Body + though. I think upping my weight next week might change my mind on that.

In the + workouts, just as a side note, it's difficult to modify the moves if needed, especially if you're still more comfortable doing push-ups on your knees like me. (But who said working out was supposed to be about comfort?) There really isn't the existence of the "8-10" and "12-15" rules, either. It's basically just max reps on everything, which seems to me the goal here is more about tone than about gaining muscles mass. Not bad, just a different approach. We'll see how much I like it as time progresses.

All in all, I really enjoy +. It's going well so far! Can't wait to totally smash this one, too!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Round 2- Days 53-75

So the last month has been pretty crazy. I started my classes and the stress has been throwing me off my groove! I'm about six days off of where I should be, but I'm really close to being completely done! This week I've been on track so far, both with P90X and Weight Watchers. I've been up and down with WW, staying roughly the same weight. I've been doing a lot of extra snacking that's hindering my progress, so right now I'm focusing on getting a handle on that.

For about a week and a half I was trading in my dance class for the cardio workouts in P90X, thinking that it was about the same. It really wasn't, and I'm back to doing both the entire P90X program and my dance class three days a week. I really love it and I feel great! I feel very proud at the end of the day. Now, if only I could be that hardcore about WW... I need to get back in the groove.

I did plyo yesterday and ROCKED it! I also did back and biceps after dance today and really knocked it out of the park. I worked hard and I'm already feeling the results. I'm now taking the "Animal Pak" supplements, which I love. They smell and taste nasty but I know I'm getting all the necessary nutrients for my demanding lifestyle. I also started drinking a Whey Protein shake after every strength training workout. It's really helping my muscles recover faster and enabling me to do more. I'm walking around campus and at work as well as taking dance three days a week on top of P90X. It can be quite demanding but I find that I am much more able to do it all when I'm taking care of myself. That is the goal- not just to be skinny, but to be HEALTHY! I'm getting there. I'm really trying.

How are you guys all doing this week? Any major ups and downs? Accomplishments? Improvements? Promise it won't be another month before my next update!

Oh... ps...

I got P90X+ in the mail a few weeks ago. Can't wait to bring it PLUS style!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Round 2- Days 50-52

I've now officially started my recovery week of phase 2, round 2. I can't believe I'm closing in on the last phase of round 2! This has been a crazy journey. 137 days ago, I wouldn't recognize myself. And not just because I look different, but because I AM different. It's become this whole new lifestyle for me. I automatically assume that exercise is a part of my day, and I automatically think about every single thing that goes in my mouth. I'm eating healthier, cooking healthier, living healthier, and exercising healthier. As Jason Mraz says, do something every day for you mind, body, and soul. My roommates and I have started a checklist on our communal white board to make sure that we are doing these things every day. What a blessing it is when I remember to take care of all that God gave me! Beautiful thing.

As I close in on the end of round 2, I am started to wonder where the blog is going. As you can see, I've changed the name of the blog as well as the URL, because this journey has become about more than just P90X. I'd like to change some other things up a little bit. I will still document my P90X progress (I'm starting P90X Plus next round, and I'm starting to use a pull-up bar next week!) but I'd also like the blog to be about a little more than that. I'm going to start talking more about my Weight Watchers journey and talking about my successes and struggles with that program. I'm also starting to learn to cook many different foods and shop healthier now that I'm at school I'm fighting tooth and nail to not go back to where I was last year. (A very scary place!) I'd like to start incorporating more pictures into the blog and telling you all about the things I'm eating that work... and the things that don't. I largely depend on the support of others in this area, as I'm sure many of you do. I'd like to start supporting others the way they've supported me!

I'm donating plasma today, so I've opted to take my X Stretch day today so that I don't overexert myself. Donating really drains me, but I need the money and they don't let you donate if your blood pressure is too high. I'm guessing plyo is not a good option on donation day! I'm helping others with the donation, so I guess I can check off "soul" on my list for the day!

What are you doing for your mind, body, and soul today?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Round 2- Days 48-49

So I took my rest day yesterday instead of taking it tomorrow. I spent some much needed time with the roomies instead and it was definitely worth it!

Today was Legs & Back. Still waiting on my pull up bar to be delivered (yay!) but I did up my weights on the leg exercises from 10 pounds to 15 pounds. It was definitely a challenge but I met it and embraced it! Staying true to my promise, I am BRINGING IT!

My roommates Janae and Anna tried Ab Ripper X tonight. Loved it! It was definitely fun to share my love of the X with someone else. I'm not sure if they'll ever try it again, but I really hope they do. It was very entertaining- especially when Janae started laughing hysterically during the sit-up v-ups and Anna just laughed and shouted through the whole thing. It was amazing and a great time!

Can't wait to bring it during Kenpo X tomorrow- should be fabulous!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Round 2- Days 47-48

Totally brought it for the last two days! I'm really trying here. I pushed really hard during back and biceps yesterday and I'm still feeling the burn from that as well as from plyo and chest shoulders triceps. I'm walking around feeling sore all over and it feels fantastic- I love it! I told my roommate Anna and she said that being sore is an aphrodisiac. I don't know if that's true but if it is, I'm totally loving it! ;)

Yoga tonight. I always struggle with doing the chaturangas full out all the way through, so I focused on maintaining proper form in plank and following the chaturanga all the way through. It was hard, and it hurt, but I did it and it feels great.

I think I need to apply this same theory to my Weight Watchers. I've been counting points but sometimes I take a random bite of something here or there and I think it's sabotaging me. I have hit a plateau in my weight loss and I think this might be why. I'm not giving up - NO WAY. But I am going to have to be much more hard core about it. I need to buckle down and get back to where I was at the very beginning. OCD and completely focused on the goal!

I can see it and I can feel it. It's right in front of me- I just need to buckle down and get to it. I KNOW I can!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Round 2- Days 32-46

So. I haven't updated in a while (story of my life) and I'm way off of where I should be. For the record, I DID get sick again for three days and I moved back out to school. Life has thrown me a few busy busy busy days in the past few weeks but I'm back on course and bringin' it hard core! I guess being busy isn't really an excuse, but a girl's gotta get some sleep in there somewhere! The important thing is that the past is in the past- all I can do now is change today.

I've started week three of phase 2 as of yesterday, and it feels great. While I was doing plyo today, I had sort of a revelation. See, as my blogs progressed and as I progressed through the program, I kept saying how much easier it was getting. Well, that's not really a good thing, is it? It just means that I wasn't pushing myself as hard as I should have been. I wasn't pushing it to the point where it wasn't easy. It shouldn't ever have been easy.

I was so proud of myself because I gained the ability to do more reps and more moves, and that IS something to be proud of, but not if I just stopped working hard after that. Yes, I was working, and working hard, but not hard enough. Not hard enough to where I was dead by the end. Not hard enough to where I was sore all day every day. I wasn't bringing it. I let myself plateau.

So, I BROUGHT IT today. And I'll be bringing it EVERY DAY for as long as I can- which hopefully will be a very long time. I just ordered P90X+ and I am more than pumped! It's going to be epic. I can feel it in my sore sore muscles.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Round 2- Days 17-31

For those of you closely following my journey to changing my physical condition (ha!), you will realize that 1. I haven't blogged my progress in a long time and 2. I am a few days off of where I should be. I am a little ashamed, but the past is in the past and all I can do now is move forward with my head held high, my eyes fixed on the goal.

Last week was the fair, and I was there all day every day, eating fair food (which surprisingly got very old very quickly, and was nowhere near as satisfying as usual) and not having an ounce of energy to work out at the end of the day. I missed two days total from that, one day because I was sick (lack of gall bladder+fair food= no good) and the other because I was flat out exhausted. I them proceeded to miss one more day because life got busy and I was still recovering from fair week. Excuses, excuses. I'm back on track now, though. I gained a pound and a half from fair week and only have .4 of it left to lose to be back where I was. Yay!

Speaking of tracking... this whole "writing down what you do" thing really is God-sent. I'm finding that it's crucial to not only write down what I'm eating, but also what I'm lifting, my reps, etc. Writing down how I'm exercising is really helping me to push myself every single day. And comparing different workouts helps, too. For instance, chair dips can be found in more than one workout, so if I look at how many I did during one, I can find out how many I should be doing for another. Very useful stuff!!!!

I love being sore. I really do. It's like a constant reminder of how hard I'm working. In the beginning I was sore all day every day, but now it's usually just a slight discomfort after working out and then the next day I feel totally healthy. BUT today I'm really feeling it! I had Chest, Shoulders, Triceps yesterday and I really killed myself doing it. My arms are sore but it feels great!

I'm a little nervous to be going back to school in two weeks. School really caused a lot of problems for me in the weight area and I'm afraid of returning to where I was. It's going to be a constant challenge to keep up the good habits I've built over the summer. Lots of work, but I know that it's not impossible.

Keep going, guys!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Round 2- Day 17

Days like today make me really appreciate my dance background. Plyo certainly calls for a certain caliber of jump, and I'm grateful that I have such a strong dance foundation that taught me how to jump and land properly. It makes my body so much happier.

I can't get over how great I feel after doing plyo. It KILLS during the process, but right afterward... best feeling ever. Mix that with a hot shower, some great lotion and comfy pj's and you're good to go! Just lay back and enjoy the ride. Best high ever. Much better than eating a cheeseburger and fries ever made me feel. Of course, with the best highs, there is always sacrifice that has to come along with it. Don't get me wrong. It takes a lot of hard work, but it's all worth it in the end. It's something I have to remind myself every day. When those donuts at work are staring me in the face, I have to consistently think about how I'd feel AFTER eating that donut, and not how I'd feel WHILE eating that donut, because those are two very different feelings. Like I said- sacrifice must be made.

I don't want anyone getting the idea that I don't battle the same demons I've always fought. I still fight them every single day, and I'm not always perfect. But if I make a mistake, the best thing I can do for myself is to not give up. Just brush it off and keep going. Start making the right choices from there on out. No need to sabotage myself further. No need to dig that hole any deeper.

I still have to drag myself off my butt to exercise everyday. I still put it off slightly. There are some days when I'm totally pumped, and other days that I'm not. Some days I have to really convince myself that, yes, skipping one day IS going to affect me. Skipping one day IS going to hurt my progress. If I'm not going to totally commit, then what would be the point? The best way to handle this is to just think of the end results. Where to I want to be at the end of today? The end of the week? How do I envision myself a month down the road? A year? These are the things that keep me going.

A new little motivator that I've taken to using on occasion is to write down my starting weight on my hand, the weight I was at on December 12, 2008. The highest weight I've ever been, the weight I never plan on returning to. I got back to school on January 5th, 2009 and changed every thing from there on out. Yes, there were times when I fell out of the good habits I started creating, but the point is that I got away from that number. I started to move away from those old nasty habits. (You know, ordering Pizza Hut and never exercising. You know, never eating enough fruits and vegetables but eating way too many Cheez-Itz.)

That number was 199. One pound away from the big 2-0-0. No, I won't put them together. It makes it a whole lot scarier. Anyways... one pound away from being the same weight as Oprah (at the time). It was scary, but the looks on the faces of family members were even scarier. I was much worse than I had let myself realize. So on days when I am struggling to make proper decisions about eating and exercising, I write down 199 on my hand. Tiny, but big enough for me to see if I go to the fridge and reach for something nasty to eat. It's a good reminder of where I was, and where I will never be again. I'm now down to 174. 25 pounds. I have a long way to go still, but it sure as heck is a lot farther away from 2-0-0 than 199 is. I have nothing to be ashamed of anymore.

So what do you use to motivate you on the hard days? How do you suck it up and get going?

Round 2- Days 6-16

Phew! Just started week three of phase 1 in round 2. Can't believe it! It's going by SO quickly. Definitely making strides. I bought heavier bands two days ago to up the difficulty of the pull-ups (or fake pull-ups I guess, but I'll get to the real ones. One step at a time, friends.) I keep going to Wal-Mart to get 20 pounders, but they're out! It's such a drag, because I really want them. I'm not sure I'm QUITE ready, but I know that in a couple moves I could really use them. I'm still progressing with the 15's, though.

As you know, I'm now doing the "classic" version instead of lean. I've also moved on to doing the 8-10 reps instead of 11-15 because I decided that I'd like a little size. :) I'm definitely getting more results more quickly this way. And I've finally started using the worksheets... should have started 106 days ago, but all well. It is what it is. I've started using them now and it's definitely helping me see where to progress and by how much. USE YOUR WORKSHEETS!!!

Weight Watchers is still going great- I haven't been as hardcore about tracking over the last couple weeks and it's definitely affecting my progress. This week has been much better, though. It's starting to feel more natural, more a part of my life. It's really becoming a life-change. It's just the way I am now. I'm happy to be this way!

Proud moment. I am officially able to do plyometrics all the way through, no additional breaks, with the bonus round. LOVING it. I have to say, I think plyo and legs & back are my two favorite workouts. They really bring on the pain, but even better, the gain! Sometimes I miss that incredibly debilitating pain I used to feel every day in the first month and a half of p90x. I know I'm still working hard, but I'm in better shape now so my body isn't killing itself like it used to. It's something I should be happy about, I know, but that sore feeling was such a reminder of all the hard work I was doing. It was something to be proud of, a constant little reminder of the strides I was making. Today I feel sore, and it makes me happy.

I think after I finish round 2, I'm going to order p90x+! I feel ready for it now, but I want to make sure. Also, I'd like to give Insanity a try as well. I'm already setting goals for the next year! There's a part of me that still can't believe it. I've never been such a workout-aholic before, and I've certainly never looked forward to killing myself doing push-ups every day. But now... I just can't get enough. It's the best feeling in the world! Again, proud moment.

While I definitely don't feel like I have the cardio vascular strength for Insanity, I know I'll get there. I'm so far away from where I was 106 days ago. I know that if I am diligent and that if I continue to bring it, I'll keep progressing. It's a challenge every day. It's HARD. It's TOUGH. But it's not something that I can't do. In fact, it's something that's very within my reach!

So today I woke up and my abs were KILLING me. (Awesome feeling! Totally living it up.) But I was slightly confused because yesterday I just did chest & back. No ab work... didn't make much sense, but I'm not complaining. I know that push-ups can cause your abs to be sore from maintaining form, but so far throughout the program I haven't had that problem. Or rather, that GIFT. It's a beautiful thing! Plyo and Ab Ripper X today. Can't wait!!!!

Got my P90X shirt in the mail last week. Wearing it with pride!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Round 2- Days 1-5

Officially started round 2 of P90X, and loving every minute! This time around, I'm doing the classic version, which I love even more than the lean version. There's lots more strength training, plus, no core synergistics except for the recovery weeks! That's probably the best part. BUT great news! I did plyometrics for the first time since day 2 of round 1, and this time, I totally crushed it! I completed the entire thing, every single rep, to the max! It was amazing. I remember not even being able to finish it the first time I tried plyo. It's truly incredible- this really shows me how far I've come in the last 95 days. I just never thought that I would be the type of person who enjoyed these things, much less the type of person who would be capable of doing something like this! Plyo is a BEAST, it's true, and it's still really difficult, it still maxes me out, but it feels GOOD and I just want MORE!

I've moved up to 15 pounders- can't remember if I blogged that or not- and I think I'm going to have to buy some 20 pouders this week as well. Some exercises just aren't as challenging and I need to up my weight. It's so exciting! I've never been prouder. I finally feel in control of my body. I finally feel proud of my body. But it's more than just the physical strides- it's the mental ones, too. It was hard work to do this every day. It was hard work to push and push and push. It was hard work to keep myself motivated. But I did it! Despite everything, I did it. I highly recommend that others try it out- it's the best thing I've ever decided to do.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 83-90!!!!!!

I finally made it! Yesterday was officially day 90! I did the entire program to the tee. I completed it and I feel incredible. I couldn't be happier or more proud of myself. I see the changes in my lifestyle, my body, my attitude, and my state-of-mind. I will be posting my measurements later today or later this week (depending on how much time I have), but even without taking them yet, I can still tell that there's a huge difference. I crave the workouts now and I work my schedule around them, instead of working my workouts around my schedule. It's that important to me. This program has truly changed me and taught me how to take care of myself. Daily maintenance is key. When I take care of my body, it takes care of me! I see that now, and I feel so grateful for this experience. Here I come day 180!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 82

So I've done some thinking. And I realized that I was missing the entire point: the point of this whole journey is to get into shape, to exercise every day, and not to just complete the 90 program. Yes, completing it is important, but missing two days because I'm sick is not a bad thing. It doesn't make me a bad person. It doesn't make me a slacker. It's not like I just decided to take two days off. No. In fact, I set out all of my exercise things, ready to go, just in case I suddenly started to feel better. It was so hard for me to sit on that couch and stare at my weights, knowing I couldn't use them. Just that fact is HUGE. That says a lot about how far I've come over the past 82 days. Yes, I will finish strong. Yes, I will FINISH. But in 92 days.

But really... is that such a big deal? If I had finished late because I was "busy" (I AM busy. Extremely busy. So anyone who is using that excuse is just lazy.) or because I was "tired" (I AM tired. I get up at 3:50 AM every day! Anyone using that excuse, again, lazy.) then we would be having a different conversation. I would have every right to feel guilty about finishing late if those were the reasons. But they're not. I'm two days late because I got sick. It happens. It would have been unwise to exercise in my condition. I could have hurt myself or made myself stay sick longer than just two days, and then put myself even farther behind. I made a good choice and I'm not going to beat myself up for something that was completely out of my control.

Another thing... I talked earlier about maybe doubling up for a couple days to get back on track. Honestly... what's the point again? The point is to exercise every day! The point is to get into shape! Not to kill myself! Doing doubles could potentially injure me. I know some people do it, but they're in much better shape. I plan on continuing the program into a second round, so in the long run will it really matter that I finished two days late? No. As long as I continue to exercise daily, it won't matter. I just need to focus on doing my best all of the time. If I were to do doubles, I know it wouldn't be my best, and I know that I'd hurt myself and end up even farther behind or end up giving myself some real problems. So where do I go from here? Forward! Just one day at a time, keeping with it with the same diligence as always.

Core synergistics today. It was rough, but it was good. Lovin' those walking push-ups. They're a beast but I can feel myself mastering them. It's a great feeling.

Day 78-81

So... after 80 days of not missing a single day... I got sick for two days. :( I'm just kicking myself! I'm so sad!!!! So now I'm two days behind and am not going to finish in 90 days. It's so sad. I know it's probably not a big deal and that it's not my fault, but it would have been so cool to say that I had actually finished the 90-day program in 90 days. Not 92 days. I think I might double up two days this week to make up for it. We'll see. Since I plan on continuing on to do another round, I suppose it doesn't really matter, but it's just my personality. I really wanted to do this right. Sad.

Anyways... besides getting sick, things are going very well! No complaints, really. I'm officially down 16 pounds, which is very exciting. I'm 4 pounds away from where I was at the beginning of my senior year of high school. Not my skinniest, but it's cool to have a little "landmark" like that. The workouts themselves are going very well. Core synergistics still kicks my butt (I have that one today... ugh.) but it's getting easier. I'm wondering if the weights I use for this workout are too heavy? I use 8-pounders to everything in this one. He says to use light weights- I'm not sure if he means light to him or actually light, like three- or five- pounders. Whatever- the 8's are working perfectly fine for me. I'd rather go too high than too low!

Ab ripper x cannot defeat me! The last ten reps of the mason twist still blow me away, but the fact ultimately remains that I can DO them. It's quite an accomplishment, and I'm very proud. Trying to focus on the positive, here. I'm very discouraged by this two days behind thing. Maybe discouraged isn't the right word... I'm very pissed off about it. Yeah, that's better.

Well, here's to a better week! (My last week!)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 71-77

I can't believe I'm already at day 77. It seriously feels like I just began the program last week. Time has gone by so quickly! Lost another 2.9 pounds this week, bringing my total weight loss to 13.8 pounds since adding Weight Watchers to my P90X program a month and a week ago. Things are going very well!

The sunburn is nearly gone and doesn't hurt anymore, so this last week was much easier for me. The first couple of days was KILLER, but it soon disappeared and I was able to totally complete each workout. I did have to cut out some yoga last week because of time constraints, (it was the Miss Woodstock pageant last week. I'm on the pageant committee so it was a very busy week for me!) but I got in the first 45 minutes, which is the difficult part. I just cut out the stretching. I took Saturday off instead of Sunday because it was my boyfriend's birthday and we were out all day long, and I was so exhausted yesterday (Sunday) that I almost decided not to exercise, but I felt guilty and thought to myself, "You've come all the way to day 76 without missing a day and NOW you're going to skip? I don't think so!!!" So I did it around 11 PM even though I was exhausted and had to get up for work at 3:50 in the morning. Afterwards, I felt great and proud of myself. Sacrifice is necessary and brings great blessings!!!

Core synergistics is FINALLY getting easier. It still kills me every time, but I'm feel like I'm really getting somewhere with it. It's a beautiful thing! Also, my resting heart rate has gone down 8 points. Not only am I looking better, but I'm becoming healthier. I feel better and better every single day, and I'm loving every moment of it.

I'm finding that eating all of my points is harder than I had imagined. I keep hearing that eating them all is important and that if you don't, you'll end up plateauing or gaining. That happened to me last week. I hardly ate all of my points each day and didn't eat all of my weeklies or any of my activity points and I ended up gaining a little bit. Bummer, but that's the way it goes. This week I made a point of trying to eat all of my points and look! I lost. Still... it's hard. I get fuller easier now and I feel guilty after eating. This weight loss thing is an ongoing battle, but it's one I'm determined to win.

Today (day 78) is Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. Can't wait to kill it!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 65-70, Plus- Day 60 Measurements Are In!

The day 60 measurements are in! Ok, so I'm a touch late, but I DID take them a few days ago on June 19. Here are my results:

June 19 Measurements (in inches)

chest: 40 inches
waist: 31 inches
hips- 45.5
right thigh- 22.5
left thigh- 22.5
right arm- 12
left arm-12
weight- 178.6

Let's compare those measurements to my Day 1 measurements, just to get an idea of how far I've come:

Measurements- April 17, 2009

chest- 42
waist- 34
hips- 46
right thigh (midpoint)- 25
left thigh (midpoint)- 25
right arm (flexed midpoint)- 13
left arm (flexed midpoint) - 13
weight: 185

Not bad! I FINALLY lost some around my hips! It took 60 days, but I did it! I'm also finally out of the 180's, which is something worth celebrating. My arms are smaller, my thighs are smaller, my chest is smaller, my waist is smaller.... things are lookin' good! I'm very proud.

So- only 20 days left! I can't believe it!! Things are going well. I'm doing my best to max out every day, but I'm getting in such good shape that I find myself having to do the hardest versions offered in the videos. It's nice, but kind of weird because that's never been something I've had to do or been able to do before. I'm totally loving it! I got sunburned really badly at the pool last Thursday, though, so each workout since then has been slightly modified because I can't stretch my arms back or lay on my back. (Too much pain...) It hasn't been a huge obstacle, but it has definitely not been a fun one. The pain is starting to subside and I should be good as new in the next couple of days.

Brian has a surprise planned for me tomorrow right after I get off of work, and from what I hear, I'm not going to have time to exercise. Eek! I'm sad, but I'll just use tomorrow as a rest day instead of Sunday, or double up my workouts on Wednesday to make up for it. We'll see how the week goes. The funny part about this is that in the past, I would have welcomed the break. I woul have been relieved by it. Now, I just feel anxious and sad! I dread it! It's odd, but I love it. It's a beautiful thing. I feel like I've really changed my whole lifestyle.

This weekend was kind of interesting. I ate my normal breakfast on Saturday morning, but didn't eat anything at all for about 13 hours after that. When I finally got the chance to eat again, I was starving, but also felt incredibly nauseous, so I couldn't even eat anything!!! I asked ChaCha if not eating or having a bad sunburn could cause nausea, and ChaCha replied saying that not eating causes low blood sugar, which can cause nausea. So go figure. I guess I need to not space out my meals so much next time and make sure that I'm eating enough- another problem I've never had before. I love this new me, but it's so surreal!

Lovin life, lovin you. Here's to a fabulous week of kickin' butt and losing the cage!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 57-64

I am so bad at keeping up with this. But, for the record, I am working over 40 hours a week and getting no sleep so please give me a break. :)

I lost another 3.8 pounds this week! That brings me to a total of 11.4 pounds lost this month since starting Weight Watchers. I'm really liking the combo of WW and P90X. It WORKS. I swear I had gained this week. I felt bigger and avoided the scale for two days before weighing in today. Guess I had nothing to worry about!

This last week was intense, as always, but I'm not feeling the absolute pain that I used to. I feel wiped at the end, but not to the point where I think I'm dying. It's a good feeling. I feel like I'm really mastering the X. Chest and back went very well again this week, and cardio x was as great as always!

Last week I also did shoulders and arms. I tried this one out on day 3 I believe and it totally kicked my butt, but I'm back with a VENGEANCE!!! Totally burned it up last week. I have it again today- can't wait to see what I can do this time. I also had the "regulars" last week. (yoga, kenpo, cardio, and core synergistics.) They all went very well- I can definitely feel my improvement in these. Core still kicks my butt every time, though. Still hate it. Hate hate hate it. I can tell that it's improving my core, though. Guess we all have to make sacrifices for what we want, don't we?

Speaking of what we want, let me share some of my motivations with you. I have always wanted to work at Disney World, particularly as a performer. I'd love to be a princess, along with about a million other girls. Anyways, I've always wanted this. Now that I'm doing the Disney College Program next winter, this dream could become a reality. However, my fitness and weight are currently standing in the way of that dream being fulfilled. So now, every time I take a bite when I know I shouldn't, I just think, "That bite is taking you one step away from what you want. Are you REALLY going to let that bite take away your dream?" Or when I want to slack off during P90X, I just think, "Are you going to skimp on reps and let your dream slip away? Are you going to let one rep get in your way? You can push out one more!"

I'm also signed up for the Miss McHenry County pageant this summer. It's in the beginning of August, and I really need to win the pageant so that I can pay for school. Am I going to let one bite or one rep get in my way? No way! I'm better than that.

Today is shoulders and arms again. Can't wait to kill it! Also, I know I'm due for my day 60 measurements. I'll get them done, I promise!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 50-56

Wow. Haven't updated in FOREVER.... it's been so crazy busy. I know I say that all the time, but I really do mean it. Life just keeps getting busier and busier. I'm having a really hard time keeping up with everything, but I've been keeping strong with both P90X and Weight Watchers. Last week I lost another 2.2 pounds and this week I lost .4 pounds. Not exactly as much as I wanted, but with me going to the carnival and eating fair food last week, (I had the world's best corndog and cheese fries. YUM.) going to a parade and eating some snacks there, eating a donut and some party stuff from my brother's birthday party on saturday, and then having homemade fondue on Sunday... I'm just glad I lost anything at all!!!! I thought I'd maintained at least. So, I was happy. This week I'll be a little more strict- gotta get back on track. The job at Dunkin' Donuts is going well- I've managed to only eat three donuts from there throughout my first month of working. It's a HUGE accomplishment!!!

Since cutting back on the crap, I've begun to notice that I don't desire junk food as much and that when I do eat it, it's much tastier, but it doesn't satiate me anymore. I think my body is learning to want the good stuff. Either that or it's all in my head and I'm going nuts. :) (Quite possible.)

Since I'm so behind, I'm not going to do a day-by-day report of what I did last week. Also, it was recovery week of phase two, so nothing interesting really happened anyways, except for the fact that I got my new heart rate moniter last week!!! Can I just say right now how much I ADORE it??? Knowing how hard I'm working and how many calories I'm burning is way cool. Burned 747 during Kenpo X and 435 during Cardio X last week. Brilliant, I tell you! So fun to have a machine that acknowleges how hard you're working. ;)

I took my X stretch day at the end of the week instead of in the middle because I knew the weekend would be SUPER crazy. Having two days of relaxation in a row was kind of nice, but I actually missed exercising. It was a long weekend without it, and that fact really surprised me. I feel like my hard work is finally starting to pay off. I feel like I'm really starting to change my habits and my lifestyle. I want this to be a lifetime thing. I know that I'll have to exercise 5-6 days a week for the rest of my life. I know that I'm always going to have to keep track of every bite I eat if I want to maintain any weight loss that I've accomplished, or if I want to keep losing. It sucks, but I need to learn it now or else I never will. I'm so grateful for the X and WW! It's going to be a good week- I can feel it.

Oh, ps, I started week 1 of phase three yesterday. I guess that would make it week 9, wouldn't it? Anyways... yesterday was chest and back. Now, I've only done it one other time- it was day 1 before I committed to the "lean" version. It was the first one I ever did, and I thought I was going to die. I couldn't even lift my arms afterwards. BUT- this story has a happy ending!!! I did chest and back again for the first time since day 1, 55 days later, and made it through the whole workout without killing myself! It was absolutely incredible. I was so proud. It really goes to show how much I've grown. I never could have done what I did yesterday 55 days ago. I did 15 incline pushups (the one with the chair)! I couldn't do a single one 55 days ago. I've never been so proud of myself. I can't wait to see what I can do on day 90, or day 180, or day 270,....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 49

Yoga X yesterday! It went very well. Definitely mastering this one! I just need to remember to slow down a little bit. I'm starting to anticipate the moves and carry them out before Tony says to... all well! I'll be better behaved next time. :) Other than that, it was a very refreshing workout, and it was much needed. I have a pinched nerve in my back and doing the yoga really helps it feel better. Today is core synergistics. NOT looking forward to it AT ALL. But I'll push play anyways and work my way through it! Pain means gain!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Just a little side note...

I can't remember if I've shared this before, but I'm going to now! Here's a really simple recipe that I created for the best (and HEALTHY) smoothie in the entire world.

1/2 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup skim milk
1/2 to 1 cup frozen fruit (You can decide how "fruity" you want to get!)

Add all three ingredients in a blender, and BLEND! I like to put it on whip, myself. The smoothie will run you 4-5 points on Weight Watchers depending on how much frozen fruit you use. If you want it thicker, add more yogurt. My sister likes to use cottage cheese to thicken it, but I think it gives the smoothie a weird after taste. Just try different things out and see what works best for YOU! This smoothie is God-sent at breakfast time- much tastier, more filling, and much healthier than Cap'n Crunch Berries. (My favorite cereal.) I also replace the smoothie for ice cream. My family has ice cream after church every Sunday. The smoothie has as many points as 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream, but you get at least double the amount of smoothie for the same amount of points as the ice cream. Plus, it's so much better for you! No guilt!

Day 44-48

Day 44

Today was chest, shoulders, triceps. Oh boy, is this one hard. Oh man oh man. BUT I did progress! I was able to do the plyometric push ups! I did 17. (On my knees of course, but still. There's no way I could have ever done this before.) The one-handed push-ups still throw me, but I try and I do my best. I'm seeing improvements.

Day 45

Yoga X time! And today marks the OFFICIAL HALF-WAY POINT!!!!! Ahh I can't believe it! How crazy is that??? I can't believe it's already half over. Unbelievable. Anyways... I know I say this every week, but this was seriously the best time that I've ever done yoga x. I did EVERY SINGLE MOVE full out, didn't have to take any breaks, but still felt the burn! It was beautiful. I was even able to do the half moon/twisting half moon stuff and I was able to do plough all the way! I even laid my knees all the way to the floor next to my ears this time! I was so proud.

Day 46

Another CRAZY Friday. I was literally on the go from 5 AM until 11:30 PM without a single break, so I was forced to use this day as my rest day instead of Sunday. Sad, but needed after a long and stressful week.

Day 47

Legs & back! Definitely getting some 12 pounders this coming week. I've outgrown my 10's; I'm just not feeling as much of a challenge with them anymore. Which is a GREAT and BEAUTIFUL thing! It means I'm getting better and that I'm progressing! So 12 pounders, here I come!

Day 48

Kenpo X! Lovin' it! Still not a favorite, but it's enjoyable enough. It's starting to be less of a challenge, which I'm not sure I like, but it does make me happy because I know that I've come so far. This one killed me in the beginning- now I do it with confidence and I do it full out! My favorite moves are the block moves and the "back knuckles front kick back kicks." Absolutely kickin'. So much fun! I'm going to try and find ways to make this one more challenging for myself- perhaps I'll start doing a third round of Ab Ripper X after completing it so I can still get some serious pain in there. Sounds masochistic, but pain is GOOD! Pain means growth! Pain means RIPPED!

I weigh in again today for Weight Watchers. I'll post results later along with Day 49's results!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 43

Ok. So. www.thedailyplate.com is my new favorite website. I couldn't find Buffalo Wild Wings on the Weight Watchers database, so I decided to google the nutrition facts from the restaurant so that I could count the points for the 8 honey bbq wings I ate tonight. (Maybe not the smartest choice, but normall I would have eaten at least 12. It's an improvement for me.) The Daily Plate website came up, I clicked on it, and low and behold! This website has a FOUNTAIN of information, not only on restaurant food caloric values, but also on calories burned during various exercises and the caloric value of regular grocery-bought foods. What a great tool! Totally in love. Now I never have to go out to dinner and feel lost. I'll just research what I want ahead of time and stay safe! (By the way, 8 honey bbq wings at BWW is 11 points for those of you who were wondering.)

I did cardio x today! Gosh, I just love this workout more and more every time I do it. It kicks my butt and yet I'm able to get through the whole thing and do it really well. EVEN the core synergistics section of it. (Which I still loathe.) How much fun are wacky jacks? Don't you just LOVE them??? I'd do them all day if I had the time and stamina. And just as a side note, in yoga, when I'm floating my leg up and swinging it through to runner's pose, my foot doesn't get stuck anymore! I can swing it all the way through to exactly the spot where it's supposed to be. It might sound stupid to you, but I was just tickled pink by this! Also, during the x-stretches in cardio x, when the last ten are airborne, I couldn't do that before. Now I can! And I can do ALL TEN! I'm just so incredibly proud. I can't help it. I've accomplished so much... I'll be halfway done in two days! Can you believe it? Crazy. It went by so quickly.... Day 44 tomorrow! Can't wait!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Day 42

While I still hate hate hate core synergistics, I have to say that it was easier today than it was last week. I think I'm getting better at it, even though I detest it to the very core of my being. Especially those gosh awful Dreya Rolls. Anyways.... I can feel myself getting stronger and I can feel my cardio vascular strength improving. I can do more reps per move and I can keep with each move for longer periods of time. It's still tremendously difficult, but I do feel a difference!

My little four-year-old brother Danny did the sweetest things today. He saw that I was running out of water in my water bottle, so he brought me more and told me that he liked taking care of me. Then, later, he saw that I was dripping with sweat during the lunge, kickback, curl, press move, so he brought me my towel and asked if he could wipe off my sweat, and then he DID! How cute is that??? And then, to top it off, at then end, during Dreya Rolls, he said, "Katey, I think that guy in the video is trying to kill you. You should slow down. I don't want you to die." He was so concerned! It was adorable. Totally made my day.


So I haven't worked out yet, so Day 42 reports will be posted later. BUT I did weigh in and measure myself today, and I'm pleased to report success! I lost 4 pounds this week and my current measurements are:

Measurements- May 25

chest- 41
waist- 32 3/4
hips- 46
right thigh- 22 1/2
left thigh- 22 1/2
right arm- 12 3/4 (12 1/2 not flexed)
left arm- 13 (12 1/2 not flexed)
weight- 186

As opposed to the last time I measured myself:

Measurements- May 14

chest- 42
waist- 33
hips- 46
right thigh- 23 1/2
left thigh- 23 1/2
right arm- 12 3/4(12 not flexed)
left arm-12 3/4
weight- 190.2

So overall, since the start of p90X, I have lost 1 inch across my chest, 1.25 inches around my waist, and 2.5 inches on each leg. Yay! Progress!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 37-41

The job at Dunkin' Donuts still has not gotten in my way. In fact, it's probably helped my cause! I work all day, so I'm not sitting at home with a fridge full of food to tempt me. Plus, DD has this fabulous whole wheat egg white turkey sausage flat bread sandwich that is TO DIE FOR. I eat it every day. It's totally amazing.

Tomorrow will mark the end of my first week combining P90X with Weight Watchers. I also weigh in tomorrow for the first time. I'm kind of nervous, but I've been so incredibly good with it. Weight Watchers really works for me, and their online program is absolutely fabulous because I can do it while I'm on the computer (which is a lot) and while I'm out, I can do it on my phone. Brilliant! Also, While I did earn 26 activity points this last week, I didn't spend any of them. This can only help my cause right? I'm figuring that as long as I'm not starving myself and being unhealthy about it, I should be ok. My thing is that if I'm invited to a party or go out to dinner with Brian or my friends, I don't have to worry about what I'm going to eat because I've been banking all of my activity points and extra weekly points (of which I only used 13.5 out of 35 this week). Also, I figure not using the activity points and the extra weekly points will add a bit of cushion in case I've miscalculated portions and little bites here and there. I just want to leave room for error and social freedom. I guess we'll find out tomorrow if it's working!!!! I feel great and in control.

So during the last week I came up with two new mantras for myself. They're AWESOME! But ironically I can't remember either of them right now. I promise that I'll write them down as soon as I remember. Promise.

Day 37- Today was chest, shoulders, and triceps. Holy smokes, is this one hard for me to do. I'm just not physically prone to doing pushups- they feel very awkward to me, but I push forward and suck it up. I'm proud to say that this week was far better than last week. My main concern is becoming healthy and continuing to progress.

Day 38- Today was yoga. Unfortunately, due to the new job, nannying, and my new responsibilities as co-stage manager for the Miss Woodstock pageant, (I take on all responsibilities for the job next year. Yay! So excited.) I ran out of time and was only able to complete the first half of this workout today. Luckily, the core of the hard work is in the first half, while the second half is majorly stretching and balancing, two things that are extremely easy for me. In fact, from the beginning, the second half has always been incredibly easy- a breeze. So while I would have enjoyed being able to do the entire workout, I don't feel like I've been robbed. I got in the hard parts and am still progressing. (Although I still can't do crane for the life of me. All well!)

Day 39- Toay was supposed to be legs & back, but it was another busy day, even busier than the last. I left my house at 5 AM and didn't return until 12:30 AM. Talk about a freakin' nightmare. I took today as my rest day instead of Sunday.

Day 40- I did legs & back today, and might I just say that it's getting easier and easier??? I'm sooo happy with it! I feel so accomplished at the end. I think I need to go buy heavier weights so I can keep progressing with this one. Thank you, dancer legs! The calf raises are still ridiculously painful, though. Even with my dance backround, these kill. The pidgeon toe raises escape me. My legs just don't turn that way! I do them in parallel instead. In past weeks, I have struggled to find a way to make the pullups challenging. I do them with bands secured in the door jamb instead of an actual pullup bar, because that is sure as heck not happening. I'm not aiming for a ripped back anyways- just a toned back. Anyways... they've always been tough, but I always felt like they worked my arms much more than my back. BUT I found a solution yesterday- all I needed to do was 1.) Engage my back muscles and try to use them instead of my arms, and 2.) Move farther away from the door, thus adding tension to the bands! Yay! Problem solved.

Day 41- Just got done with Kenpo X. And while it's not my favorite because I'm not into the whole punching scene, I still enjoy it. Aren't the last 20 minutes of this video just a kick in the pants??? I just love it. I remember that when I first started doing this video, I didn't have enough stamina or energy to do the runs, jump rope, jumping jacks, and x jumps during the breaks. I could barely move I was so burned out! Now, I'm like, "BRING IT ON!!!" I can do it all- even the x jumps! They're aboslutely one of my favorite things to do.

I will do my best to report the results of my weigh-in tomorrow. Wish me luck!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 31-36

Holy crap... I haven't blogged in forever. About a week, but it feels like forever. Anyways... one huge development- I started doing Weight Watchers yesterday. I'm curious to see how the two programs fit together- hopefully I can lose weight and tone up by doing both! We'll see. It's going really well so far, despite the new job at Dunkin' Donuts. Surprisingly, it hasn't been a problem. Yay!

Day 31- Yoga X again, same old same old, although I have to say that it's getting a lot easier. Not easy, just easier than when I first started doing it. The only moves I struggle with are crane (my arms are too short or something... IDK), half moon, and twisting half moon. Those last two moves make my butt hurt more than anything else in the entire realm of pain. Holy crap. I'm working on it, though.

Day 32- Legs & Back with Ab Ripper X. L&B is just so much fun. I truly do love it. I may not be strong in the arms, but boy can I push it with the legs! AND good news... I only skipped 7 reps TOTAL with Ab Ripper X this time which is incredible considering that I had to skip 5-7 reps PER MOVE when I began. I'm soooo proud. Still hurts like heck, though.

Day 33- Kenpo! Still not a favorite, but I do enjoy the "block" moves. I'm just not into punching (or pretending to punch.) It's good to have this workout land on Saturday though. It's not too long and doesn't make me feel shaky for the rest of the day so I can still enjoy the weekend regularly.

Day 34- Rest! Took an amazing nap.

Day 35- Core synergistics- ugh. Still hate it. Still hurts. Still breathe harder than ever while doing it. I'm getting better at it though. It's helping me a lot with my push-up technique, something I've struggled with throughout my life. Seriously though... ugh.

Day 36- Cardio X! Love it love it love it. I'm really mastering this and I just feel so darn good after doing it. My fave move is the Wacky Jack. How could you NOT love doing this move? It's just such a fun way to burn off the jiggly. I still max out at the end, which I think is great, but it's definitely getting easier. Plus, it's not too long. I love the length of this video. Too bad it never lands on a busy day! All well!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 29-30

What in the world? The measurements are in, and I'm extremely frustrated.

Measurements- May 14

chest- 42
waist- 33
hips- 46
right thigh- 23 1/2
left thigh- 23 1/2
right arm- 12 3/4
left arm-12 3/4
weight- 190.2

Compared to my starting measurements:

Measurements- April 17, 2009

chest (across boobs)- 42
waist- 34
hips- 46
right thigh (midpoint)- 25
left thigh (midpoint)- 25
right arm (flexed midpoint)- 13
left arm (flexed midpoint) - 13
weight: 185

What the heck??? I lose a few inches here and there, but GAIN weight??? I'm so incredibly frustrated. So mad. I just don't know what to do anymore.

Day 29

Today was cardio x, pretty routine. I did add in the jumps with the x stretches though, so that was new. I worked really hard and felt totally wiped at the end- I'm really trying to apply myself and max myself out at the end of every workout. I know some consider cardio x to be a "baby" workout, but it's not if you're really applying yourself.

Day 30

Today was a new one for me- chest, shoulders, triceps. How FUN is this one? I'm not a big arm-strength kind of person, but I really enjoyed this workout, even though I felt like I was going to die by the end of it. My arms are still sore! I'm already seeing a difference in them, though. This is good- my arms are one of my problem areas, along with my stomach. Speaking of... I also had ab ripper x yesterday, and yay me! I was able to do the entire thing while only missing 7 reps out of the entire workout! When I started, I would skip out on 5-7 reps PER MOVE. That's A LOT. I was still in a lot of pain by the end, but I'm improving! This is great news! Now only if my efforts started showing... sigh.

What am I going to do???? I think I need to be as hardcore with my diet as I am with my exercising. Get it together!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 28

Ok! Officially four weeks have been completed, and I've officially begun phase 2. I had Core Synergistics today. Still totally hating it. That workout is BRUTAL!!!!! I feel totally wiped out by the end, and yet afterwards, if I've cut a move short or not done as many reps as the video asked for, I feel like I haven't done my best. I feel like I've cheated myself, and I'm not proud. But I SHOULD be proud! I work my butt off every day to reach my goal. I don't know how close that goal is yet, but I know that I am doing my very best.

I start a new job at Dunkin' Donuts tomorrow... gasp. I hope this doesn't undo everything that I've accomplished. It will only get in my way if I let it!

Day 26-27

Day 26

Today was supposed to be my second round of Yoga X for the recovery week, but it was such a crazy day that I only got in half of the workout. (45 minutes, but still) It was my sister's prom and my other sister's play, and then a friend's pageant, a job interview... just to name a few things on my long list of to-do's. I'm just proud that I was able to fit in any exercise at all! It was a crazy day, but I made some time for me.

Day 27

Rest day!!!! Took a nap, went to church, watch WALL-E with my brother, and welcomed my parents back from Vienna. All in all, it was a very good rest day. Despite only doing half of Yoga X yesterday, I still woke up feeling sore. Guess I accomplished something after all! Three days away from Day 30... crazy. I'm a little scared of taking measurements. It's the moment of truth. Who knows what it will bring???

Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 24-25

Day 24

Yesterday was supposed to be X Stretch... but I just kind of bagged it. I'm already pretty flexible from dance, so I figured I'd be ok, especially since I have yoga twice this week. It was nice to have a break, but I definitely didn't have as much energy as usual.

Day 25

Today was Cardio X, which I totally love. It's not too long but still gets me sweating up a storm!!!! I especially love the wacky jacks that we do in the workout. They're sooo much fun. I have to say, though, I really hate Dreya Rolls. Hate hate hate them. I have a really hard time getting up after the roll. I get stuck on the floor, and then proceed to feel totally incapable. No matter what I do, it never gets better, but I keep on pushing and doing the best that I can.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 23

Kenpo X today! Unfortunately, I didn't plan out my time very well today and didn't have enough time to finish the entire workout. I ended it about ten minutes early. Bummer! At least it's recovery week and not a hardcore week. I'm starting to like Kenpo X more and more every time I do it, though. I particularly enjoy the blocks! Sometimes I find the pace to be a bit too fast to keep up with, but I just do the best I can and max myself out! That's what it's all about, right? Doing your best and trying to reach even farther than your best to get a little bit better everyday.

Day 22

Core synergistics! If there's one workout that aboslutely kills me... it's this one. I'm still struggling with it, and definitely can't make it through the bonus round at the end. The regular round is enough for me! I'm still struggling to finish each movement with all the reps outlined by Tony, and I'm struggling to just do each movement! I sometimes have to skip one (by movements I mean the different exercises done within the workout) so I can catch my breath and build up enough energy to keep going. I am not a core person, and the fact that I'm not a push-up person either doesn't help since much of core synergistics uses various types of push-ups within the workout. I suppose this is ultimately the best thing for me- it will help me grow and hopefully help me become a push-up person, but I truly do hate it. I'm not letting that hate get in the way of my success though. I know I need to suck it up and push through the bad stuff to get to the good stuff. (AKA weight loss, phsyical fitness, etc.) I need to do this. I want to do this. I want to reach my goals.

Speaking of goals... I'm not sure I've quite outlined these yet on this blog. Ultimately, I'd like to get back down to a size 8 or 10- preferrably 8, but 10 is acceptable. I'm currently around a 12 or 14, depending on where I'm shopping. Usually closer to 14. It's hard for me to be this honest, but if I'm not willing to accept reality I'll never be able to accept the reality that I need to make a change in my life. I'd also like to drop about 40 pounds. Now, given, if I'm building muscle, that might be difficult seeing as muscle weighs more than fat. That's why I've set the pant size goals. My boyfriend doesn't want me too thin so I'm going to stop there I think- that's where I was when we first started dating. I'd like to be that girl again. If I get there and I'm still not comfortable with the way I look, then I'll set another goal to reach until I feel satisfied. All I know right now is that I can't stay where I am. It's not healthy and it's not attractive.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 20-21

Yesterday (day 20) was my rest day, and strangely, it wasn't a relief. I found myself wanting to get back out there and sweat up a storm, but I didn't because I know that if I don't rest I won't be able to progress any further. My body needs a breather as much as I may hate to give it one. I did wear five inch heels to church yesterday though and walked around all day in them, so maybe that can count as a little bit of exercise! Lord knows it takes work to be able to do that.

Speaking of breathers... this week is my recovery week in phase one. I did Yoga X today. Every time I repeat a workout week to week, I'm amazed at how much progress I've made just in being able to do every move/rep/set/whatever, at how I don't have to take as many breaks, and at how I have more stamina and energy throughout the workouts each week. But I especially notice my progress with Yoga X. I can't stress enough how important Yoga X is, let alone how challenging it can be. I have a decent yoga/dance/pilates background. Yoga is familiar ground for me. However, the first time I did Yoga X... I thought I was going to die. It was incredibly difficult and long! I was dripping and shaking by the end of it. But as the weeks have rolled on, the workout has become easier and easier. While I'm still dripping and shaking, I'm to the point where I have enough strength, cardiovascular endurance, and stamina to complete every pose to a T without having to come out of it or cheat. It's truly amazing what just three weeks can do.

Once again, and I know I say this a lot, I know I have a long way to go. I'm nowhere near done, but I'm so proud of how far I've come in just three weeks. I can't wait to see what I can do at Day 90!!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Days 13-19

I haven't blogged in a week!!!! AHH!!! No good. Instead of talking about every single day of this week, though, I'll just go over the generals.

I took last Friday as a rest day instead of Sunday as usual because I went shopping and was gone all day... but I walked around the mall for hours so I got some activity in anyways. My official favorite workout is the legs and back workout. It's sooo much fun!!! I really enjoy it and look forward to it. I'm almost done with "phase 1." This is really exciting! It went by so quickly- I have my first recovery week next week. I'm kinda bummed because I don't get to do any real weight stuff, but I guess it'll be nice to change things up a little bit. I can definitely see that I'm improving. Things are becoming less difficult and I don't have to take as many breaks. I am able to go through all of the workouts without having to say "Oh there's no way that's happening," because it IS happening and I'm able to do nearly every move! I'm so proud of myself. I'm not sure how successful the weight loss part of it is going (I'm waiting until day 30 to weigh myself.), but I can feel my body getting more toned every day. I feel better and have more energy. Especially in my core! It's crazy- it's getting so strong. I'm not sure I look any different, but I'm still proud of myself. I'm working really hard and accomplishing extremely difficult tasks. I feel like I'm progressing and getting better. There's a long way to go, but I know I can do it!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day 12

Just finished legs and back!!! Crazy. I know I'm supposed to do ab ripper x afterwards, but I feel like legs and back is a good enough workout for the day, whereas kenpo is a bit lighter, so I'm doing the ab ripper x after kenpo so that I can even out the scores a little bit. I'll probably do the same with shoulders and back and cardio x- just move around the ab ripper x to a lighter day. Legs and back was pretty intense, but still really fun. With my dance background, I have really strong legs so I expected this to be an easier workout- it definitely wasn't! It challenged me to push just a little bit farther than I could do and even made my hardcore dancer legs burn like they haven't in years! It was great. I'm so glad that Tony made a workout for legs that challenges me- most leg workouts don't. This was the one thing I was concerned about when I bought the program... no concerns anymore!

Day 10 and 11

Wednesday was day 10- shoulders and arms with ab ripper x. I got me some ten-pound weights last week so that this workout would feel like a bit more of a challenge, and let me just say- it definitely was! Increasing the weight definitely increased the hurt, and then to top off a hard workout with ab ripper x was difficult, but I pushed through as best as I could! I'm already having to take less breaks and am able to do more and more of the exercises in the set. I'm not "cheating" as often. I decided this week that I have a very low tolerance for pain and that this is causing me to not do the best that I can do. Well, no more of that. If I really want this- REALLY want this- then I'm just going to have to suck it up and get moving! Stop cheating! Start pushing!

I had a big wake up call yesterday... I went shopping for clothes for the first time since August 2008. What a big difference nine months can make. What a big difference a couple years can make! The day after I turned 17 (two and a half years ago), I went shopping and bought a pair of jeans from American Eagle. They were size 10. I thought I was huge and felt awful about the way I looked. I was so wrong. I've been looking back at pictures of myself from then- and even just summers 2007 and 2008- and I really looked awesome. I didn't appreciate the way I looked because I wasn't a super-skinny stick like many of the girls I went to HS with. But was I didn't realize was that being curvy is NORMAL and healthy. Being curvy at that size was ok, even great! Looking back, I feel like an idiot because I didn't treasure what I had until I had lost it. I went back into American Eagle yesterday to buy some new pants- size 14. HOW did I let that happen??? And worse... those size 10 pants that I bought when I was 17 still fit last summer. Nine months ago. I increased from a 10 to a 14 in less than nine months? Are you kidding me??? What have I done to myself? I'm better than this, gosh dangit! I've been looking at the pictures- I have SOLID PROOF that I am better than this. I have SOLID PROOF of what I can be! Don't I deserve better than what I've given myself? I demand respect from everyone else but do I demand it from myself??? Ultimate question of the day. (The top picture is me now... the bottom picture is me a year ago.)

Ok... back on track. Thursday was yoga day! Since it's a longer workout, it's harder for me to fit it in, but I did it! (at 9:30 at night... which means I didn't finish until 11, but sacrifices are necessary, body!) It wasn't such a great day for eating, though. I had a McFlurry! Argh! Once again, I ask: why don't I demand respect for myself from myself??? This stops now, I tell you!!!!

Kind of ironic... but yesterday's shopping trip that left me oh-so-depressed got in the way of my routine, and I didn't have a chance to do it. Excuses, excuses. I guess today I'm going to have to double up. It's legs & back, ab ripper x, and then kenpo. Shouldn't be too bad... we'll see after the first workout. I guess I could skip "rest day" tomorrow and do the kenpo then. That might be a better option... hmm... we'll just see how things play out. :)

Ok... ultimately... I think I just need to get rid of the bad thoughts and focus on the program. If I can keep up with it every single day, I will be so proud of myself. That's really an accomplishment. If I want to see a change, then I will have to make the change within my life. It's not going to just happen. I need to shove that change into my life and make it my priority. I need to make myself the priority instead of making these selfish bodily desires the priority. It's something I can do. Look at all the things that I have accomplished in my life!!! WHY in the world am I letting THIS defeat me? I've never let ANYTHING defeat me! Why am I letting food and my emotions control me? No more.

It's time to make the change.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 9

Day 9, people! Today was Cardio X, and I am proud to say that I was able to do the whole workout without having to cheat or take breaks. Yay me! I worked up a major sweat and really pushed myself to the max. Totally wiped out at the end, but I know it's worth it. It was actually pretty fun, minus all the downward dog crap in the beginning. I really hate that yoga pose, but I know it's good for me so I do it anyways. :) Today I ate a bowl of tomato soup, a piece of toast with a little butter, some pistachios, and my protein drink right after Cardio X. Feeling good, lovin' life!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 8

Today was core synergistics! Very fun, very hard. The workout went by really quickly for me and I definitely was sweating up a storm by the end of the hour! I need to work my upper body strength so that I can do more of the moves at the level the DVD wants them. I'm not as strong in the arms so it's much more difficult to hold some of the poses in the workout. Bummer. But I'm working on it! I'll get there. I feel just a little bit stronger every day.

Measurements for Day 0

Here's a posting of my Day 0 measurements in inches:

chest- 42
waist- 34
hips- 46
right thigh (midpoint)- 25
left thigh (midpoint)- 25
right arm (flexed midpoint)- 13
left arm (flexed midpoint) - 13
weight: 185

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Days 3-7

I really need to keep up with this better. I've just been soooo busy- it's been really hard to just get in the workouts let alone blog about them.

Day 3

Today I did the plyometrics DVD. HOLY CRAP. I thought I was going to DIE. This was by far the hardest workout. Luckily, I ran out of time and couldn't finish the last 15 minutes... I think it would have been dangerous to my health if I had gone any further though. My legs definitely felt it the next day... oh man. Difficult stuff, but I felt good after doing it. I felt like I had really accomplished something.

Day 4

So my third workout was the shoulders and arms DVD. I don't think I used heavy enough dumbbells because I definitely wasn't as wiped out as I should have been at the end of the workout. I went to Wal-Mart the next day and bought some ten-pounders to use instead of the eight-pounders I already had. I enjoyed shoulders and arms much more than chest and back, that's for sure! There were no pushups involved... that probaby helped. My arms and legs are starting to feel tighter already. Awesome!

Day 5

Today my fitness booklet and calandar came in the mail. I've read them both over and decided that the "lean" version of the program is best suited to the results I want. (Less upper body work, more weight loss.) I don't want to bulk up, just get in shape and drop some weight. So I know that the last three workouts have not been according to this plan, but I just decided to start today with something on the lean program that I hadn't worked on yet- yoga. After the previous three workouts, I've been incredibly sore and tight. I walk around like an old man! The yoga helped relieve this pain ENORMOUSLY. The first 45 minutes relied a lot on arm strength, which was a bummer for me and was excruciatingly painful. The workout is an hour and a half so by the time it was halfway over, I thought I was going to die if it kept up the same strength exercises! Thankfully, it moved more into balance and stretching, which I had no problem with given my heavy dance backround. Still, it was challenging enough even for me. I thouroughly enjoyed it, and I felt GREAT for the rest of the day and the following day as well.

Day 6

Today was Kenpo X. Definitely new to me. Basically, this workout tried to teach me everything dance teachers have told me not to do for my entire life. It was difficult to lean over during kicks and turn in my legs, but I enjoyed the challenge. I didn't master it, but I look forward to hopefully doing so in the future. I've never been into the whole "fighting" or karate thing, but I enjoyed the workout nonetheless. Lots of sweating and I was able to complete the whole thing no problem. Definitely starting to see results of this week's hard work already!

Day 7

REST! Much desired, much needed. Tomorrow starts a new week!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 2

Just finished day 2- today was ab ripper x. Pretty intense! I'm sore, but I feel good. Danny did it with me again today, only he likes to lay RIGHT NEXT TO ME on the floor when I do it, so that makes things kind of difficult. I keep having to tell him to move over!

So since it's my first week I'm not up to the level of the people on the DVD. Kind of sad, but I'm getting there. Yesterday on the Chest & Back workout and I was doing between 15-20 reps per exercise, which I guess isn't too bad for my first day. I'm not sure if I pushed myself hard enough. On the ab ripper x today I was usually between 5-10 reps lower than the DVD. Not bad, not good. Has anyone else had any experience with completing/not completing the reps outlined on the DVD? Do you gradually work up to the DVD, or did you start out on their level and just push really hard? The indicator I'm using right now is whether or not I'm sore the next day. Is that wrong?? I honestly have no idea. I guess I'll just stick to the motto that Tony Horton uses all the time: do your best and forget the rest!

Day 1

So this is a day late. (My first entry and I'm already slacking off...) But yesterday was day 1 doing P90X. I started out with the chest and back DVD since it was the first one. Might as well go in order, right? Anyways, it was pretty intense. Nothing I haven't seen before, but since I have zero upper body strength, it was quite a challenge to stick with it all the way through. I wasn't too sore after the workout, and a shower totally solved any pain I was feeling. But when I woke up this morning... HOLY CRAP! My arms, chest, and back are on FIRE! I couldn't even pick up my four-year-old brother. Not good. Yet, so so good. Pain is good, right? Speaking of my brother (Daniel)... he is the best motivator EVER! He did the workout with me yesterday and watched part of the time, and when I wasn't doing a move right or if I was resting when I shouldn't be, he would tell me so. "Katey! You're not doing it right! Do it like the guy on the tv!" or "Katey! Keep going! You're not supposed to be finished yet." I think having him around for this will be good for me.

"Before" pictures still to come. Or maybe I'll wait to post them until my "Day 30" pictures... I don't know. I'm not really proud of my "day 1" look, so I'm not really keen on sharing them with everyone.

I'm not following the diet outlined by the program, but I am watching what I eat. We'll see if it makes a difference.

Any other P90X-ers out there? I'd LOVE to hear about your journey, thoughts, and results! Have a blog? Comment me the link and I'll check it out- we're all in this together. I could definitely use the support!!!

Off to do day 2...