Thursday, September 10, 2009

Round 2- Days 47-48

Totally brought it for the last two days! I'm really trying here. I pushed really hard during back and biceps yesterday and I'm still feeling the burn from that as well as from plyo and chest shoulders triceps. I'm walking around feeling sore all over and it feels fantastic- I love it! I told my roommate Anna and she said that being sore is an aphrodisiac. I don't know if that's true but if it is, I'm totally loving it! ;)

Yoga tonight. I always struggle with doing the chaturangas full out all the way through, so I focused on maintaining proper form in plank and following the chaturanga all the way through. It was hard, and it hurt, but I did it and it feels great.

I think I need to apply this same theory to my Weight Watchers. I've been counting points but sometimes I take a random bite of something here or there and I think it's sabotaging me. I have hit a plateau in my weight loss and I think this might be why. I'm not giving up - NO WAY. But I am going to have to be much more hard core about it. I need to buckle down and get back to where I was at the very beginning. OCD and completely focused on the goal!

I can see it and I can feel it. It's right in front of me- I just need to buckle down and get to it. I KNOW I can!

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